Mental Health Crisis Response

Responding to mental health emergencies on campus.

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Washington University is committed to responding as quickly as possible to any mental health emergency on campus. A mental health emergency is an emotional or behavioral crisis that warrants same-day or immediate attention by a mental health professional. This may include, but is not limited to, significant changes in behavior that are not characteristic of a person, the presence of disruptive symptoms that interfere with the responsibilities of dialing living, direct or indirect expressions or the intent to harm self or others, or the experience of a trauma or assault.

Other Important Emergency Resources

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • What Can I do? ​​Information on how to help a student or friend in distress

 During our business hours, if you or a WashU student you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, please either come directly to Habif or call us at (314) 935-6695 and identify the situation as an emergency.

If the emergency occurs outside of business hours, for immediate intervention call 911 (if off campus) and/or Campus Police (314) 935-5555.

If you wish to speak to a licensed mental health professional after Habif is closed, you may call (314) 935-6666, press 1 and then 2.